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End Period Poverty through Going Green


We the parents of The Green School in Paarl are raising awareness and funds to end period poverty in South Africa. Studies* have demonstrated that poor‚ vulnerable and marginalised women and girls often cannot afford essential hygiene products resulting in 30% of female learners missing school when they menstruate. This means that female pupils can lose up to 90 days of schooling a year, leading to an imbalance in the ability of females to access education.


This problem is easily solvable, however up until now the products and funding have not been available. 



By raising money and donating reusable eco-friendly products, we can improve education for females and eradicate period poverty in South Africa (without causing any further harm to our environment)!



*The Stellenbosch University (SU) Law Clinic -  Article

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Stop Period poverty South Africa

Help us STOP Period Poverty by raising money and awareness for reusable period products.

Stop Period Poverty
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Stop period poverty


Stop period poverty

Bank: Investec Bank Limited.

Account Name: Green School Trust

​Account No: 10012896247

 Branch: 100 Grayston drive.  

Branch Code: 580105. 

Type of Account: Current

Payment Reference: StopPeriodPoverty


Our Details

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Lady talk matters


To this day, people still find it difficult to talk openly about women’s reproductive health matters. Mostly because it relates to female sexual organs. This should not be the case, we should talk about periods and related conditions such as endometriosis like we talk about a common cold. Here at Lady Talk Matters we strongly believe that promoting awareness and educating people around the globe is the only way to remove the taboo.



Reusable Pads

In 2019, five students from Stellenbosch University set the goal to provide re-useable sanitary wear to the women in rural parts of Africa. One of these kits lasts for five years, therefore their next 60 cycles. We work with a company called SubzPads which provides these kits – each consisting of 3 panties and 9 attach

able pads.


The goal of 60 Cycles is not only to provide these women with the kits, but to empower them to realize that their period is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It is something we as women need to embrace


Period Panties

I am just a mom with two beautiful teenage daughters - inside and out. I am passionate about the environment and sustainability. And most importantly I am passionate about empowering young woman. And hopefully our period panties can make the journey of getting there a little easier, whilst caring for the environment at the same time. 


" I stand on the sacrifices of a million woman before me, thinking what can I do to make this mountain taller , so the woman after me can see farther" Rudi Kaur


Safepad South Africa

With this fundraiser, our goal is to provide Safepads and menstrual health education to 2000 girls across South Africa who are affected by the taboos and myths surrounding menstruation and the inaccessibility to proper menstrual products. 


Safepad is one of a kind reusable sanitary pad designed to provide an infection-free experience. It is made of a very durable polyester material and is the first antimicrobial treated pad globally. This means the pad can be washed in contaminated water as it disinfects itself continuously. 


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The Coffee Pod The Green School Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa 7646

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  • Stop Period Poverty Instagram

Bank: Investec Bank Limited.  Account Name: Green School Trust​   Account No: 10012896247

 Branch: 100 Grayston drive.  Branch Code: 580105. Type of Account: Current  Payment Reference: StopPeriodPoverty

©2021 - 2022 by Stop Period Poverty.  

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